2023-12-29 xkos374 = 2023 XT17
2023-12-17 New object xkos374 detected some nights ago ..very faint (20.0mg) was finally confirmed. Looks to be an 3th MB spotted from L87..
2023-11-27 xkos370 is now 2023 WK3. An unusual and interesting PHA NEO of Atila type! Only 29 Atila type asteroids are known..
2023-11-21 This early morning system C11-A recorded new NEO candidate xkos370
2023-11-11 xkos369 is a COMET C/2023 V4 (Camarasa-Duszanowicz) MPEC 2023-V192
2023-11-06 The new found object xkos369 is a comet! We did more observations using C14 scope and a tail is clearly visible!
2023-11-05 We found new object> xkos369.. it looks like a comet !
2023-11-02 We found this neocp P21Mp3w from F52, after being lost for 14 days.
2023-10-18 xkos362 = 2023 UT
2023-10-16 Tonight our system C11-A recorded another, new candidate xkos362
2023-09-16 xkos357 = 2023 RE15
2023-09-15 xkos355 = 2023 RJ11
2023-09-15 Tonight our system C11-Z recorded another, new candidate - xkos357
2023-09-14 Tonight our system C11-A recorded another, new candidate xkos355
2023-09-14 xkos353 = 2023 RY7
2023-09-12 Tonight our system recorded another, new NEO candidate -xkos353
2023-08-21 Today we spotted a new candidate (MB?) : xkos348
2023-08-18 New NEO candidate: xkos347
2023-08-12 We catch two new candidates- xkos344 and xkos345
2023-08-10 xkos343 = 2023 NB7
2023-08-09 xkos342 = 2023 PJ
2023-08-08 Tonight our system recorded another, new candidate - xkos343
2023-08-07 Our system recorded new NEO candidate - xkos342
2023-07-15 xkos332 = 2012 YF8 : It turned out to be the recovery of an Apollo type Neo. The last observation of this object was 2013-01-12. MPEC 2023-O23 : 2012 YF8
2023-07-14 Tonight our system recorded another, new NEO candidate - xkos332
2023-06-21 xkos329 = 2023 MP1 MB
2023- 06-20 Tonight our system recorded another, possible MB candidate - xkos329
2023-06-17 xkos327= 2023 MC
2023-06-16 xkos326= 2023 LV1
2023- 06-16 Tonight our system recorded another, new NEO candidate - xkos327
2023-06-14 Tonight our system recorded another, new quite fast NEO candidate - xkos326
2023-05-29 xkos323= 2023 KR3 MB
2023-05-27 xkos322 =2023 KL3
2023-05-27 Tonight our system spotted 2 new candidate NEO/MB - xkos322 and xkos323
2023-05-24 xkos320 = 2023 KJ2 xkos321 = 2023 KN2
2023-05-23 Tonight our system recorded another, new NEO candidate - xkos321
2023-05-23 xkos318 = 2023 KG1
2023-05-22 This night we spotted another new NEO: xkos320
2023-05-21 Tonight our system spotted 2 new NEOs candidate - xkos318 and xkos319
2023-05-09 In our searches we sometimes come across lost objects xkos299= like 2009 HZ40 a Hungarian type asteroid, the last observation was on January 27, 2017, we were able to recover it.
2023-05-01 xkos316 = 2023 HN7
2023-04-29 This night we spotted new NEO: xkos316
2023-04-13 xkos315 = 2023 GX
2023-04-13 Tonight our system spotted new NEO candidate - xkos315
2023-04-13 xkos314 = 2023 GW
2023-04-12 Tonight our system spotted new very fast NEO candidate - xkos314
2023-04-01 xkos308 is now 2023 FV13 - MPEC 2023-G09 : 2023 FV13
2023-03-29 Tonight our system spotted new NEO candidate - xkos308
2023-03-25 xkos306 is now MPEC 2023-F133 : 2023 FU3
2023-03-24 Tonight our system recorded new NEO candidate - xkos306
2023-02-26 xkos298 and xkos299 seems to be known MB asteroids anyway.
We are waiting more information regarding those objects. xkos298 = 2023 BD11
2023-02-25 Tonight we were able to spot two new candidates, one a NEO object and the
other possibly an MB - xkos298 and xkos299
2023-02-21 xkos297 is now 2023 DM -MPEC 2023-D32 : 2023 DM
2023-02-20 Our telescope recorded new NEO candidate - xkos297 this night...
... and xkos294 is now 2023 DD - MPEC 2023-D23 : 2023 DD
2023-02-19 Tonight our system recorded new NEO candidate - xkos294
2023-02-17 xkos293 is now 2023 DB -MPEC 2023-D12 : 2023 DB
2023-02-16 xkos292 is now 2023 CR3 - MPEC 2023-D06 : 2023 CR3
2023-02-16 We have found a new NEO candidate - xkos293 this morning
2023-02-15 We have a new NEO candidate - xkos292
2023-02-13 xkos291is now 2023 CB2 - MPEC 2023-C108 : 2023 CB2
2023-02-12 We have a new NEO candidate - xkos291 - a fast moving object about 83.9m in diameter.
2023-01-15 xkos290 is now 2023 AB1 - MPEC 2023-A66 : 2023 AB1 This object is classified as 100% PHA which means Potential Hazardous Asteroid and it is the first such object spotted in the current year 2023.
2023-01-13 We have a new NEO candidate - xkos290 -
2023-01-02 We have finished the year with 12 discoveries of NEOs, only 6 months since the beginning of this great project to search for Neos and comets, we attach the ranking of NEAS discovered by professional and non-professional observatories, with the beginning of the year 2023 we continue our search and we will see how this list will grow, Happy New Year and clear skies for all. Summary of PHA and NEA Discoveries by Discoverers