2022-12-26 xkos289 is now 2022 YK5 - MPEC 2022-Y180 : 2022 YK5

2022-12-24  We have a new NEO candidate - xkos289 - which we also managed to capture with the second telescope - 0.35m twice the same Christmas Eve night...

2022-12-03  xkos269 is now 2022 WC12 - MPEC 2022-X46 : 2022 WC12

2022-11-29  xkos266 is now 2022 WP8 - MPEC 2022-W249 : 2022 WP8

2022-11-28  xkos266 was spotted again from L87 the next night.. Also today we spotted another NEO candidate - xkos269 which we also managed to capture with the second telescope - 0.35m, short after...

2022-11-26  We have a new NEO candidate - xkos266 - which we also managed to capture with the second telescope - 0.35m just an hour after the first sighting with the 0.28m telescope

2022-11-17 The sighted object of August 16, xkos135, after being on PCCP for three months, was finally classified as a NEO. No cometary activity detected...xkos135 is now 2022 QK204 -  MPEC 2022-W34 : 2022 QK204 

2022-11-14 xkos258 is now 2022 VC2 -  MPEC 2022-V159 : 2022 VC2  and xkos259 is 2022 VA2 - MPEC 2022-V157 : 2022 VA2 

2022-11-14 We have spotted another NEO candidate xkos260 in addition quite bright, 17.6 mg.

2022-11-13 NEO xkos258 was observed by us again today... In addition, we saw another candidate moving much faster (also southwards), we were able to quickly observe xkos259 and confirm it again several times during the night.

2022-11-11 We have spotted a new NEO candidate, the xkos258 is moving southwards and was seen first at about RA -30 degrees..

2022-08-27 It became clear that the object xkos136 had been spotted a few days earlier by another observatory: MPEC 2022-Q137 : 2022 QV5 

2022-08-25 Object xkos136 just placed in NEOCP, follow-up needed.

2022-08- 21 Our newly spotted object xkos135 maybe a comet of Encke type..

2022-08-19  Orbit animation 2022 NX1 credit: NASA / JPL - Caltech  

2022-08-18  How to Become a Mini-moon: Some Hints from 2022 NX1 

2022-08-17 Here is the last interesting information posted on the MPML mailing list concerning the object discovered from L87:

 Hi all, Just wanted to mention that I can confirm beyond a doubt that 2022 NX1 is natural. It has a nominal AMR of -0.0002 +/- 0.0006 m^2/kg, which makes it far too dense to be anything but solid rock, as even the densest artificial objects typically have AMRs of >0.002 m^2/kg. Despite its 1981 approach, 2022 NX1 is (was) a genuine asteroidal temperary moon of Earth. In particular BTW, its 1981 approach was (without AMR) 616,100 +/- 3,400 km, while with AMR it was 614,600 +/- 5,700 km. Also - to fully constrain its orbit, it will stay brighter than magnitude 25 at an elongation of >100 degrees until March 2023. Plenty of time to do some deep followup and make its orbit extremely well known. After all, it's got the fourth highest impact chance on the Sentry Risk Table right now...

~Sam "