
Couple of words about site L87

Moonbase South Observatory (MPC Obs. code: L87) is located on the Hakos Astro farm about 120 km south west of the Namibian capital  Windhoek in the K Thomas region. Located near the tropic of Capricorn and an altitude of about 1830 meters above sea level, the observatory has access to the beautiful dark southern sky on most clear nights of the year. 

The observatory was launched - after about two years of preparation - by its owners Katarina and Grzegorz Duszanowicz in mid-2019. A fully remotely controlled observatory is largely autonomous and can (after programming) automatically conduct selected observations. A stable Internet connection with the performance of 30 Mbit / s in both directions gives the possibility of correct and constant control of the observatory systems in real time as well via the efficient local computer network.

Current (2023) observatory equipment:

Main Scope 0.35m SCT (Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope)  working at f / 7.3 is equipped with a CMOS Sony IMX492 sensor and resolution of 4144x2822 at 4.63um/pixel. This scope have several filters installed: photometrical BVRI, LRGB as well small band Ha, SiII, OIII and also Star Analyzer 200 for low resolution spectroscopy observations. This instrument is intended mainly for the project of searching for supernovae, variable star observations, follow up of NEOs, observations of comets and low resolution spectroscopic observations.

Second scope 0.28m SCT (Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope) working at f / 1.9 with a full-format CMOS Sony IMX455 sensor. This instrument cover an area of ​​9.7 square degrees of the sky and is used mainly to search and observe of NEOs and comets.

The third telescope installed in September 2023 is also a 0.28m SCT (Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope) working at f / 1.9 with a full-format CMOS Sony IMX455 sensor. This instrument is also used mainly to search and observe of NEOs and comets.

Additionally, smaller optical instruments are mounted on both telescopes 135mm and 200 lenses with cameras in the APS-c format. 

Live photos view of the observatories at Hakos farm and satelite view over south part of Africa